"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God." [1 John 4:7]
That being said... I'll do a quick run down of the top 10 things that I can think of off the top of my head currently about being back in Fort Wayne for my first Spring quarter at the seminary:
[10] Winter quarter ended and I was blessed to be part of a short term 2 week mission/study abroad trip to Nagercoil, India with a group of students and faculty from Concordia Theological Seminary. WOW! I did not at all anticipate God bringing me to Indiana this year and leading me with an opportunity to go to India. (Pretty sure my parents didn't either!) What joy it was to meet students of the seminary of the India Evangelical Lutheran church (IELC)! It was also really neat to visit multiple sites that the IELC supports and runs. Homes/ schools for children who are blind, deaf, dealing with polio, a high school, place for mentally disabled, etc. We toured a hospital that received support through LWML mites in 1955. I was shocked! It was so neat to have God show me half way around the world how the LWML had benefited his people! I especially enjoyed being able to attend worship services and recognized hymn tunes of the hymns the people sang in the Tamil language. I'd recognize a tune and be able to find the hymn number in the LSB and then the team was able to sing along in English. Well, these are biggest highlights I can think of for now. That and our tour guide, Ravi, was an amazing blessing for our group! The final thing is Chicken 65 was the best dish I enjoyed to eat along with naan bread!
[9] My classes this Spring quarter are absolutely awesome. I am taking: Psalms (Hello, hymnbook of the Bible...anything having to do with hymns and I am there!), Theologia I: Baptism, Field Education, Lutheran Confessions II (Love me some Book of Concord!), Theology of Diakonal Care, and Organ lessons (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). While I have enjoyed my entire first year of graduate studies so far, I am pretty sure this will be my most favorite quarter. Maybe it has to do with it being Spring. The sun's bound to shine a lot more than it did during the dreary months of winter. But who knows...it could be I am understanding and realizing "formation" process unfold in my studies and time here at the seminary. I don't know for sure yet, but I do know that God does know and will show me reasons why in his timing.
[8] Visiting others. It just doesn't get old. And I pray it never does. The Lord grants me so much joy in visiting the old and the youngest of young I know in this area I find myself living in. It was wonderful to come back from India and stop by the senior center nearby to show my residents I was safely back in the states. I rode my bike there, so I didn't stay long because I didn't smell the best :) And what joy to learn from an aunt of a seminarian's kids that a 3 year was ecstatic I was coming over to play for a bit! Little kids bring me so much joy and help me remember to worry less and play more. It was wonderful to see a little of Cinderella a few weeks ago and even more precious to do devotions with a 3 year old. I don't think I've ever been asked so many "what else happened?" questions in regards to explaining Easter to a youngster. Kids are smart. They can challenge you in more ways than one. And for that, I am so thankful!
[7] Studying theology. I'm am incredibly grateful and blessed that God led me to find about the deaconess program through people he placed in my life and at just the right time. I'm glad he had me at Concordia University Seward, NE right when the pre-deaconess program began and he nudged me on my own accord to begin taking theology classes before it was even required for a program. I will forever remember the deep love of theology that began at Seward and continues to grow and strengthen its roots here in my studies at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN.
[6] Liturgical posture...before I became a student at the seminary I really hadn't thought much about these two words. But as I am nearing the end of my first year as a deaconess student, so it's time for me to reflect on these words and confess - yes, it's hard for me to stand during the Prayers of the Church portion of a church service these days. It may seem weird to you - especially if your church doesn't have kneelers - but when you spend 3/4 of the year at seminary kneeling during prayers there's something about changing your posture that can help a person be more focused in praying together as a community. We no longer kneel as we are in the Easter season of the church year and for this I'm ever so thankful to rejoice in the resurrection of the Lord - even if it means standing during prayers again!
[5] During Lent we chanted the Litany found in the Lutheran Service Book. It's probably the first time I've ever sung it and it is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous. I still remember the joy that filled my soul in partaking of this sung prayer for the first time at chapel. What peace and comfort it brings to a person!!!
[4] Surprises!!!! I have been blessed to share in many surprises this year. And for all of that, I am forever grateful that God blessed me with completing successful surprises!
[3] Receiving wonderful news...from friends all over the USA. I rejoice in getting to share in others' joy and I pray God continues to teach me how to mourn with others in their sorrows. It seems easy to share with others when all life hands you is good news after good news. I continue to ask the Lord to give me strength and his words to share in the proper time when others have bad news come their way.
[2] Springtime...is just a wonderful season of the year. What with nature coming to life again, trees budding, flowers perking up, birds chirping, milder temperatures, etc - why wouldn't a person love Spring? Good news has come my way this spring from friends from all over, friends receiving their first calls, friends about to complete their first year serving as teachers, Directors of Music, etc. Graduations are upon us all over the country, Confirmations are coming up, recent engagements, with witnessing celebrations of weddings, etc - just more events to take part in and celebrate and rejoice with others!
[1] And my number one thing about this Spring quarter...is that the love of Christ continues to abound in my life in many ways. Whether in reading his Word during devotions, hearing it spoken in daily chapel services or receiving the preaching through the pastor's lips into my ears, the love of Christ is continually poured into my life. Not to forget the many people God places in my life and shares his love with me in so many ways. I am forever grateful for this. It is so comforting to know in an ever-changing world, Jesus Christ remains constant and is always there. He never changes, never will, and his love for me, for you, is always present in our lives! Thanks be to God!