Thursday, August 4, 2011

100 things...

Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth! Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Know that the LORD, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations. [Psalm 100.]

Well, after a short hiatus (week and a half?) from blog world here's the latest from my corner of the world. It's been busy times as the month of July turned into August. I was blessed so much so last week to be in Seward, NE and serve at the Seward Worship Conference. Great to be gathered around others that care to learn more about a great topic! 

It's hard to believe that the summer is nearly done and over with. How blessed I have been to experience this summer. I shared with my mother recently that I probably will never have another summer like this, but only God knows what is in store in the future.

I began this summer wanting to keep track of things I learned during my summer internship in Children's Ministry and following you can read for yourself. Maybe you know it all and nothing is new to you, all I know is I had fun keeping tracking and learning tons this summer!

100 things to keep in mind while serving the Lord in the church: 
(All learned during my 2011 summer internship in Children’s Ministry at Gloria Dei Urbandale, IA) 

1. Always know where to get a refill of coffee. 
2. Find joy in long staff meetings. 
3. Be early to things you are responsible for. 
4. Snacks are a must! 
5. Always have a listening ear ready for use whenever someone stops by. 
6. When you don’t know something or are unsure about something, ask for help. 
7. Have a resource room available for anything and everything related to ministry. Label everything! 
8. Greet kids at their level and ask them questions they’re excited to answer. 
9. Plan ahead. Yep, think about the coming year and do some Advent preparations during the summertime. It’s okay to work ahead! 
10. Look for ways to save money. ALL the time. Coupons go a long way. 
11. More than likely there is a song to engage kids to calm down, clean up, or simply praise the Lord! Incorporate music into everything! 
12. When working alone, listening to music makes time go faster. 
13. Decorate at kid’s level. They’ll appreciate it. 
14. Always take time to plan. 
15. (VBS) Always take time to decorate. Decorate, decorate, decorate. 
16. (VBS) Hold a informational meeting with teachers and helpers. Run through the schedule and logistics of how things will go. 
17. (VBS) Make sure registration is organized: 1 table for walk-ins to register on the spot, another table for those pre-registered. 
18. (VBS) Keep your teachers informed of what to expect, what they can do, ask if they have questions. 
19. (VBS) Thank your teachers and helpers for all they do to make VBS run smoothly! 
20. Remember to communicate constantly with those you serve with at your church or ministry location. 
21. Thank your volunteers/ministry partners that help support you in your ministry. 
22. Be resourceful and use up all that you purchase for an event or activity. Leftovers? Recycle into another project. 
23. Never wear shorts when leading something. It’s kind of tacky. 
24. Be prepared for lots of meetings. Find joy in them and brainstorm ways to communicate whether or not the meeting is necessary to have or not. 
25. Think outside of the box when planning an activity/Bible game for kids. They’ll get more out of it if you make it fun. 
26. Be enthusiastic! Get into it! If you aren’t, the kids won’t get into it at all either. 
27. Never allow the church kitchen to double up as a person’s office. The kitchen needs to serve as the heartbeat of the church. Warm and welcoming for people of all ages. 
28. When it doubt, make it easy. Don’t spend too much time doing one thing. Look for the easiest way to do something when you can.  
29. Have things set up before the day you need it to be ready. Less to worry about the next day. 
30. Day camps are a great outreach to the community. 
31. Be prepared for a messy desk. That means things are happening…if your desk stays clean for a long time…well, something’s wrong with that picture. 
32. When teaching kids songs repeat the words and find actions to with the words. Be enthused! 
33. When teaching kids a Bible verse, help them remember it by acting it out. 
34. Always think ahead.  
35. Thank those you work with. Have time set aside to encourage and lift each other up. 
36. Find time during the summer to do large scale planning for the coming year. 
37. Look for ways to partner with other ministry areas/ages within the church. 
38. In educational rooms for kids, make them bright and appealing for kids. Murals on the walls and scripture verses painted on the walls. 
39. Know that in your ministry you never serve alone. God is with you in everything you do. 
40. When working with kids…and engaging them in prayers, remember to do repeat prayers every so often. 
41. Always be on the lookout for volunteers to help you in your ministry. Each bit some one else can do will help you in the long run! 
42. Explore many publishers for educational/curriculum ideas. Weed through any incorrect theology and tweak it if necessary.  
43. Invest your energy and time in your ministry to the church, but do not neglect time with your family. 
44. Don’t be afraid to take work home. It helps to get things done in a different atmosphere. 
45. Try to live in the good grace of the senior pastor where you serve. Things will go more smoothly. 
46. Be aware of multiple ways to contact people: via email, texting, Facebook, etc. 
47. Publicize events well in advance of the actual date of the event. 
48. Remember to keep in mind definitions of words people use around you. If you have a different understanding of the word, you need to communicate that. 
49. Don’t take shortcuts when you know you shouldn’t. 
50. If you update or rearrange something in your office, chances are some one else in the office will want to do the same. 
51. Whiteboards are excellent to hang on the wall in your office. Great brainstorming space. 
52. It’s okay to prefer liturgical style. It’s okay to prefer contemporary style. Really, it’s okay to prefer liturgical style. :)
53. When planning an event, always have plan A and a plan B set in case of weather issues. 
54. Take note of advice older, wiser coworkers share with you. They’ve been there, done that. 
55. Look for ways to involve high schoolers to assist and serve in ministry with you. 
56. When working with others, be specific as to what you expect. Less chance for confusion to occur. 
57. Surprise those you work with every so often. It brightens their day you know! 
58. Pray for your coworkers. 
59. Brainstorm with volunteers/ministry partners how to improve a program so it can go better next time. 
60. Be aware of your surrounding community. Find ways to reach out and serve those that are not part of your church. 
61. Always look multiple places for resources you could use for a new craft! 
62. If the church doesn’t have something, have a “needs” list published to ask for donations. 
63. (music) Set aside time to practice each week.  
64. (music) Communicate to the music people if there’s anything special or different about the service than usual. 
65. Learn how to use the copy machine. And…don’t forget how to use the copy machine. 
66. If you forget something, the secretary is bond to know what is going on. 
67. Ask permission if you are unsure you can do something or not. 
68. Have FUN. 
69. Time is money…doesn’t apply in my book. Enjoy what you do and it won’t seem like work. 
70. Embrace those that stop in the office to say hello or catch up. You never know for sure what all is going on in their world. 
71. Look for ways to involve your ministry with all generations of your church. 
72. If you’re the newest on staff, be prepared for being picked on – in a loving way of course! 
73. Appreciate what others on your ministry staff are doing and let them know! 
74. When brainstorming new ministry ideas make sure every one is on the same page about implementing the new ministry. 
75. Get tons of sleep when you have longer days than normal. 
76. Don’t be afraid to say no. 
77. Always keep track of your sales receipts and get them to the right person before you lose them. 
78. Be aware of those near you who serve in similar ways. Ask them for help when needed.  
79. Collaborate with surrounding churches to do events together every once in a while. 
80. Make every moment a teaching/learning experience. You’ll get a lot more out of it. 
81. Share your ideas with others in your congregation, zone, or district. 
82. Know who your district mentors are, they are there to support you! 
83. Always look for ways to learn how to do things better and more effectively in your ministry. 
84. Continue your learning by going to conferences on special topics relating to your ministry. 
85. At wit’s end? Stop what you’re doing and pray. 
86. When you make a mistake or wrong some one, approach them in love and apologize. 
87. Keep in mind the “Bob Riggert Edition” of the Bible: Psalm 46:10 where God says, “Shut up and listen!” 
88. Don’t mess with Steve Hayden. :)
89. If all else fails, use guilt (but you can’t use it all the time!) 
90. Learning does not stop once you have a college degree. 
91. It’s okay to cry. Really it is. You are just being real! 
92. When some one’s wronged you, step away from the situation and look at the situation from their point of view. 
93. Don’t forget to plan ahead. It’ll serve you better in the long run to work ahead. 
94. If you can get away with it, don’t schedule things before 9am in the morning. 
95. Realize that the devil is hard at work in the church. But don’t fret because the Lord is always near and on your side! 
96. Continue to digest God’s Word. Day in and day out. If you don’t feed yourself, how do you expect to feed others? 
97. Love what you do, and do what you love. You’ll never “work” a day in your life. 
98. Continually, share God’s grace. He’s gives it to us to share with others. 
99. Pray often. For anything and everything. 
100. Above all, give all that you do to our Lord Jesus Christ!

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