Sunday, September 18, 2011

10 things re: grad school thus far...

 "O my people, hear my teaching;
   listen to the words of my mouth.
 I will open my mouth in parables,
   I will utter hidden things, things from of old—
 what we have heard and known,
   what our fathers have told us.  
We will not hide them from their children;
   we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD,
   his power, and the wonders he has done."
[Psalm 78: 1-4]

Well, here it is another Sunday night: I am heading into week #3 of classes and am still super excited. Part of me thinks the excitement should have worn off by now, but God continues to grant me encouragement in the things I am learning and digging deeper into things I've looked at before. I am thinking about the coming week and not stressing one bit. It's weird because I keep telling myself I need to be concerned more and worried about things up and coming. But I'm not. I'm at peace. There's a lot going on. A lot of information coming in what seems to be too short of time...and yet this is the amount of time I am supposed to have been here. And yet at the same time it all seems to be moving way too fast. I was chatting with a friend tonight and she said something about how we've been here for 18 days. I couldn't believe it!

I'd figure I'd share a short list of 10 things I've come to realize whether in or out of the classroom. Keep in mind this is a rather broad list of things I have learned, observed, and reflected upon since beginning my studies at the seminary. Some could be considered common sense, some are my favorite things about being here, etc nonetheless the list follows:

1. Stay ahead while you can and as much as possible. This is the number one way to avoid being over stressed and I am all about not getting stressed.

2. Ridiculously large reading assignment?! No problem! Reading is all about pacing!! Learn to read quickly by highlighting, hunting for the important stuff & skim, skim, skim! Take notes when needed.

3. Fit in Fun First and foremost, I am here to study, grow, and learn as much as possible. This also means I need to take full advantage of activities in the surrounding area (Johnny Appleseed Fest, contra dancing, Philharmonic, etc) and things on campus. My favorite past time is finding seminarians to challenge me in a round of Ping Pong (which is the greatest indoor game ever!) I may or may not be somewhat of a challenge :)

4. A good night's sleep is helpful to maintain in this whole being a morning person thing. The night owl in me is slowing down and preparing for hibernation (I hope). Again, have I mentioned how thankful I am for the invention of ear plugs?? They also assist in the process of being well rested.

5. FRIDAYS! are still going to continue to be one of my favorite days of the week. Why? Not just because it's the one week day that shares with the beginning of the weekend but it's also the day we sing Matins (LSB, pg. 219) at the main chapel service. Last week we had Matins TWICE in one week. I was stoked!

6. Chapel opportunities!! are endless. I really enjoy the opportunity to worship with brothers and sisters in Christ each day, 4 different times. Living life by the sound of the chapel bell is a beautiful thing. Hearing God's Word read, reading a psalm, and singing hymns each day doesn't get much better than that. (I also enjoy being the Chapel deaconess intern..helping out when extra help is needed!)

7. A few favorite things to share about the experience thus far:
     -people who've come to study here (from ALL over)
     -Liturgics class & everything that has to do with this subject
     -Deaconess choir (& accompanying this!)
     -studying God's Word (in & out of class)
     -impromptu hymn sings!
     -free coffee hour following the main chapel service
     -the Gospel of Luke
     -interacting with incredible pastor/professors
     -thought provoking, deep theological sermons
     -Psalm Tone H
     . . . and much, much more
     (+ I know this list will continue to grow as time goes on!)

8. GEMÜTLICHKEIT!!! I like to describe it as a specifically set aside fellowship time the sem hosts each week and it happens to include Lutheran Lemonade. Great way to unwind, chat with friends, profs and play a bit of ping pong if any one wants to play.

9. Correspond frequently. Why? Because I am my mother's daughter. I appreciate emailing, skype, FB, texting, twitter, etc but above all I so enjoy participating in the USPS. Snail mail is the best thing ever!

10. Appreciate symbolism. There is SO much symbolism in this place; the more days I go through  observing and learning the more symbols and deeper understanding of looking at scriptures I am made aware of and it is SO cool. I can't wait to share the knowledge with God's people!

I'll tell you about one of the neatest things about this campus: All over campus you'll see bricks that lay horizontal but they are not just any old square or rectangle shaped, they are diamond shaped:
Nothing too special about these right? Just some diamond shaped bricks laying horizontal. They don't have any special meaning or do they? Here's some more:

So you may be asking, "Just why is she showing pictures of bricks and parts of the architecture of campus on her blog?" Wait for it! These bricks appear ALL over campus. I figured there had to be a story behind them and sure enough there is one! I learned earlier in the duration of my time being a student that the bricks can be found no where else and are branded to this campus. They are measured to have the angle of 23.5 degrees. I guess that is the measurement the earth's axis rotates upon. The diamonds that lie horizontal represent the command Christ gives to all people to love one another. There is only one place on campus where the diamonds lay vertical and point towards the Son. You probably guessed it: the chapel.

And the reason behind only the Chapel having the diamond vertical bricks is because it reminds us of God coming to us and giving us the gift of faith. Because He shares faith with us, we are able to turn to others we meet in life and share His love with them. I also think the bricks all around campus serve as a good reminder for the various vocations we have in life. We are called to love God and we are called to serve others in various tasks and duties we serve in during this lifetime.

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