Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Let the Learning begin!!!

"From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another." [John 1:16]
This post is an attempt to fill in those dear loved ones, friends, family, all brothers and sisters in Christ who care to know about what's occurred in my life the past 6 or so days. It's been a whirlwind of a few days. I am still gathering my thoughts together as I reflect on the experience of moving 2 states eastward and the beginning (finally!!) of graduate studies in the MA Theology Deaconess program at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne. Bear with my randomness and hope you can piece things together; if not, I'm an email away (for clarification).

I'll begin by sharing, I am amazed at how God continues to give me blessing after blessing each step of my life. He is unbelievable and full of so much love, I don't deserve any of it, and yet day after day, I feel his grace, blessing and love showered upon me in various ways. Thanks be to God for this!!

The drive here seemed to take forever, but all in all a week ago I spent the majority of the final day of August on the road, with my parents' van following me here. I felt like I was on Cloud 9 as soon as I got to Ft. Wayne. It was so great to arrive before dusk and give my parents a very quick (& brief) driving tour of campus before enjoying dinner at Applebee's.

Thursday, all of sudden decided to be super hot, which of course happened to be moving into the dorm day. Oh well, as I've done the packing/unpacking process more than once before, my attitude & mission quickly became "My van is full, let's get it empty." So, I was off, unloading, along with my father helping me. He also helped put together a 5 shelf bookcase for my room. Unloading and all of that went well and rather quickly. We didn't eat lunch until almost 4. Mom and Dad headed off to IL to visit my brother and sister-in-law. This helped to break up their trip home.

Spent most of Thursday evening unpacking/getting organized and so I'll show you "home" in Ft. Wayne:

 This is what you see as you look towards the door that you enter & leave the room. Behind the wood is my closet. I kind of have two closets :)
Bed & desk on one side of the room.

My first study area in the room.

The other half of the room! Loads of books to help aid in studies this year!
Friday came quickly and began with a Matins service at 7:30am in the chapel. From there, we were in a lecture hall to meet any one and everyone that had anything to do with campus community. It was great to see all the people but after awhile my brain was turning to mush with trying to keep straight who's face belonged to who's name. This was also when my eye began to hurt really badly, but I didn't figure I should miss any of orientation. Friday late afternoon, there was a short time to get a nap in and I thought the eye would feel better after being closed for a bit. It didn't though. Enjoyed a banquet with professors and new students that evening and an excellent speech by the sem's new president. He quoted from a Walther sermon circa 1542 who quoted Luther. It just amazed me that something said so long ago was relevant to what I'm beginning this year of my life. (I'd share the quote - but waiting to get it from the president!)

Saturday, I woke up and my eye hurt even worse so I showered and figured out how to get to a doctor. Turn's out I ended up with pink eye and I was so so so sad because the doctor said I shouldn't be around any one for 24 hours. I was very unhappy to have to miss deaconess orientation activities, but figured I should abide by the doctor's orders. Watched a couple movies to pass time, napped, and hung up pictures on the wall. Finally, girls returned to the dorm and I spoke with a few but didn't touch any one. (Thankfully, the eye drops helped and I looked much better by Monday!)

Sunday, I went to a seminarian's daughter's baptism and baptismal dinner at his house afterwards. It was so beautiful to witness a family celebrate this special day in their daughter's life and enjoy fellowship with other people. After that I enjoyed time with a dear friend - she teaches first grade and visited Ft. Wayne for her Labor Day weekend. We had a blast being together and catching up. It was great to have a visitor. Monday was especially nice to enjoy not having to go to class for the first time in 4 years.

And Tuesday finally came!!!! First day of classes and I loved every minute of it....well minus having to wade through logistics of introducing the courses. Sometimes, I wish the syllabus could be sent via email and we just show up the first day and already begin the learning. I'm ready to dig in!!!!

Things I've learned since becoming a seminary student:

1. Ear plugs are an ingenious man made creation, and allow me to get sleep here.
2. Living life by the sound of Kramer Chapel bell is wonderful. I know it's only been a few short days, but I really have enjoyed the depth of hearing God's Word shared 4 times a day and the opportunity to pray and worship my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ.
3. Don't ignore when your body says something's wrong to you.
4. Professors everywhere are hilarious.
5. Believe it or not, I'm becoming a morning person.

There's much more I could add to this list, but I think I'll end there for now. God bless you all. Thanks so much for your encouragement and prayers as I begin my time here at the sem!


  1. Thanks for sharing. Great start (except for Pink Eye!!). May God continue to bless your new adventure!


  2. I'm going to enjoy reading this blog and keeping up with your "happenings!"
