Sunday, September 25, 2011

Church shopping is just not for me...

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." [Hebrews 13:8]
and probably won't ever be for me. Church shopping is not something I grew up doing and maybe that's why I've felt as though I have been doing this the last 3 weekends in this town I currently find myself in.

I have been blessed to visit 5 different churches and worship with many other brothers and sisters in Christ. I've found things I like, things that are new & different to me (Hello, Healey Willan's setting of liturgy), but not necessarily things I dislike (too terribly much). Visiting so many churches in such a short time has allowed me to think about things I prefer but realize that what I prefer is not necessarily what others prefer. This is something I've noticed before, it's not new to me that people can differ in what they like or dislike. It's nice to have my eyes opened to other and new things in regards to worship.

I will say I am very thankful that tomorrow marks the day I won't have to feel like I am a church shopper any longer. Tomorrow, in one sense (a very, very tiny sense) I am receiving a call. Really, I am being placed in my field work parish for this academic year. I am so excited for this!!! I pray that wherever the Lord has placed me for this year that I may grow and learn more about serving Him in the parish I am placed. I will be meeting the field work pastor and getting to dine with him. Who knows what we'll discuss? Most likely the usual introductory stuff to find out a bit about myself, where I grew up, where I went to college, etc and possibly (hopefully!!) we'll discuss what will be expected of me during my time as field work deaconess in the parish. Maybe, I'll give you an update of how that goes :)

As the beautiful season of fall is upon us, I have been pondering all that comes with the changing colors of this season. I think that's why I love autumn so much!!! I get to see the beauty of God's handiwork in creation (Check out Psalm 8, good stuff there). Things don't stay the same during autumn. Things change. And that's how life is: things change. And that's how life is for me, currently.

Maybe you can relate.

Here are some themes in the story of life: Changes. Stages. Chapters. Newness. And then, same old, same old. There is so much to ponder with life decisions, and ultimately I don't want it to be left up to me. But one day, that's what seems to be the case. I have to make the final say. I have to decide what's best for my life, so it seems. God will bless me and continue to bless me as He always does where ever life takes me.

I am forever grateful that Jesus is the same in all of life's changes I experience and go through. He never leaves me and never forsakes me and the same is true for you.

1 comment:

  1. Church shopping is an interesting subject. I have to say, I've not really done much of that myself, although I did do a bit this summer on my internship. I think what made me "shop" for another church was not feeling welcomed to a church. Not so much that people were cold and mean, but no one said, "Hi, I don't think I've met you before. I'm ..... Are you new here or visiting?" I think as churches we should focus on tyring to make church seem like a home that people can go to and be accepted. Like you mentioned: changes, chapters, stages, etc. in life. Things will always be changing, but if we can show that God's love will never change by loving people in all those areas, they will be curious about our faith and our Savior.
